- Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl
Mae cyfnod y Nadolig yn gallu bod yn annodd i unrhyw un, ar unrhyw gyfnod o’u bywydau ond cofiwch na fyddwch byth eich hun, mae pob amser rhywun i siarad a gwrando arnoch.
Mae gofalu am eich llesiant meddwl yn hynod bwysig ac os byddwch yn stryglo neu yn pryderu am unrhyw un cofiwch fod cefnogaeth ar gael i chi allu gael mynediad ato a chael ei eich cyfeirio am gyngor a chefnogaeth ymarferol.
Mae yna ddigon o wahanol fathau o adnoddau a chefnogaeth ar gael, a dyma rhai defnyddiol:
Mae’r wefan hon yn lle i gael cefnogaeth, gwybodaeth a phrofiadau iechyd meddwl – i gyd drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. https://meddwl.org/
Mind Cymru
Rheoli Pryder
Hwyliau Isel a Iselder
Pryder Ariannol
Diffyg Cwsg
Galar a Cholled
Samaritans is a charity who offer a free round the clock listening service.
WEB: www.samaritans.org
CALL: 116 123
EMAIL: jo@samaritans.org
Student Space
Switchboard provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through
Instant Messaging.
WEB: https://switchboard.lgbt
CALL: 0300 330 0630
EMAIL: chris@switchboard.lgbt
C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline
CALL offers emotional support and information/literature on mental health and related matters
to the people of Wales.
WEB: www.callhelpline.org.uk
TEXT: ‘help’ to 81066
Community Advice & Listening Line CALL: 0800 132737
Mon – Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm
Childline is a free, confidential service available for young people (under the age of 19) 24 hours a day
by calling, emailing or by 1-2-1 online chat with a counsellor.
WEB: www.childline.org.uk
CALL: 0800 1111
Confidential support to manage self-harm 01708 765200 e-mail: info@supportline.org.uk
Shout Crisis
Shout crisis text line – text Shout to 85258 https://giveusashout.org/
Students Against Depression
Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those
affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.
Suicide is something PAPYRUS takes very seriously. If this is how the student you are supporting feels, please give Papyrus a chance to help. Papyrus run HOPELINE, a specialist suicide intervention service staffed by trained professionals who give no-judgemential support, practical advice and information to young people aged under 35 who are worried about how low they are feeling and anyone who is concerned about a young person.
WEB: www.papyrus-uk.org
CALL: 0800 068 41 41
TEXT: 0778 620 9697
EMAIL: pat@papyrus-uk.org
Live Fear Free
Live Fear Free 0808 80 10 800 Text: 07860 077333 https://gov.wales/live-fear-free
Shelter Cymru
Shelter Cymru 08000 495495 https://sheltercymru.org.uk/
No Panic
No Panic is a service helping those people who suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, phobias, obsessive
compulsive disorders and other anxiety-related disorders. During the night, the crisis message is played
which is a recorded breathing exercise that can help students through a panic attack and help them learn diaphragmatic breathing. No Panic also have a Symptom Checker and their Body Scan Relaxation tool which is free to use online or via their mobile App.
WEB: www.nopanic.org.uk
CALL: 0844 967 4848
Student Minds
Student Minds works with students, service users, professionals and academics to develop new and
innovative ways to improve the mental health of students.
They empower students and members of the university community to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health, support others, and create change, so that all in higher education can thrive.
WEB: www.studentminds.org.uk
Be Gamble Aware
Be Gamble Aware provide information to help people make informed decisions about their gambling.
WEB: www.begambleaware.org
CALL: 0808 020133
Drink Aware
Drink aware are an independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK. They’re here to help people make better choices about drinking.
WEB: www.drinkaware.co.uk
CALL: 0300 123 1110
Beat Eating Disorders
Beat is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia,
EDNOS or any other difficulties with food, weight and shape. If you call their Helpline you will speak to a trained support worker experienced in listening and talking to people in a similar situation to
WEB: www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
CALL: 0808 801 0811 (Student Helpline)
CALL: 0808 801 0677 (Adult Helpline)
EMAIL: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Video Game Addiction
Video Game Addiction is an organisation providing treatment and advice for a range of addiction and
dependency problems related to gaming, Internet and other electronic entertainment. They offer a top quality help and referral service which matches their clients to the right treatments to solve their problems and get them into a position where they can carry on their normal lives free of addiction.
WEB: www.videogameaddiction.co.uk
CALL: 0800 0886 686
NHS Direct
NHS Direct delivers telephone and internet information and advice about health, illness and health services day and night direct to the public, enabling patients to make decisions about their healthcare and that of their families.
Call: 111
APIAU DEFNYDDIOL – Ffon / Teclyn Technegol
Sesiynau myfyrdod dan arweiniad ar gael am gyfnodau amrwyiol o amser.
Mae Cove yn rhoi’r cyfle i ddefnyddwyr greu cerddoriaeth sy’n adlewyrchu eu teimladau
Happy Healthy
Mae rhaglen Happy Healthy yn raglen gyflenwol sydd o gymonrth i annog defnyddwyr i fwyta’n iach, i wneud ragor a ymarfer corff a chysgu’n well.
Calm Harm
Mae Calm Harm yn cynnig tasgau sy’n eich cynorthwyo i reoli neu ymatal rhag huna- niweidio, mae’n gwbl preifat ac wedi’i warchod a chyfrinair.
Mae’r ap hwn ar gael i ddefnyddwyr yn rhad ac am ddim ac mae’n cynnig cefnogaeth a chymorth i bobl sy’n meddwl am hunanladdiad a phobl sy’n poeni am eraill.
Mae Headspace yn defnyddio dulliau ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a myfyrdod i gyflwyno cyfnod o gydbwysedd, tawelwch a lles i’ch bywyd am ambell funud pob diwrnod.
Mae Moddpath yn becyn poced sy’n trafod iechyd meddwl.
Wedi’i ddylunio i drafod tyndra, pryder ac iselder a all eich rhwystro rhag byw eich bywyd
Sleep Pillow
This is the famous “APP THAT HELPS THE WORLD SLEEP”.
Turn it on and you’ll be asleep in minutes, guaranteed. Sleep Pillow provides an advanced set of high quality ambient sounds, premixed for perfect sleep enhancement. The sounds are recorded and enhanced to relax and make you sleep
Search Sleep pillow in Google Play or on the App Store
MyLife (formerly known as Stop, Breathe & Think) is a meditation and mindfulness app that helps you find your quiet place. It allows you to check in with how you’re feeling, and recommends short guided meditations and mindfulness activities, tuned to your emotions. Whether you’re anxious, sleepless, hopeful, angry, or anything in between, we’re here for you.
Search Mylife Meditation in Google Play or on the App Store
Hub of Hope
24-hour crisis support access. A Mental Health database that identifies services local to your area – free, downloadable app on iOS and Android devices
Download the app or visit www.hubofhope.co.uk
North Wales Police / Gwasanaeth Tan – Argyfwng / Emergency 999
Di-argyfwng / Non Emergency 101
Cofiwch adael ni wybod os oes gennych chi unrhyw argymhellion eraill neu dechnegau byddwch chi yn ei defnyddio,
Y ffordd orau i ddelio efo unrhyw bryder yw rhannu’r baich.
Mae hi yn bwysig siarad.
Nid ydych ar ben eich hun!